
OgieCappoCampotype andi aw. masryВеб-сайт TrueTypeДля личного пользованияОбновлен
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Примечание автора

the font has been performing a traditional "buginese" language from Bugis. Bugis is a mariner nation/tribe who originates live in the coastal of southern Sulawesi. Bugis is a adventurer people. They were very fond of sailing with "phinisi" (traditional boat) to the other country.
The southwest arm of Sulawesi embraced three related peoples active as seafarers, the Makasarese in the southwest, the Mandarese in the northwest, and Bugis, the most numerous, occupying most of the remainder of the peninsula. These people shared a similar written script and a highly pluralistic political system in which local authorities were anchored in supernaturally endowed regalia (arajang) and descent from a variety of mythical ancestors, each separately descended from heaven (tomanurung). In the period 1600-1669 the city of Makasar and its Goa-Tallo ruling dynasties dominated the region politically and economically. Resentful Bugis of the Bone kingdom therefore allied with the VOC to destroy Makasar in 1669. This event had at least two consequences. First, Bone became the most important kingdom in southwest Sulawesi until the 19th century. Second, it led to the Bugis Diaspora, particularly of the men of commercial-minded Wajo, which had been allied with Makasarese Goa rather than Bugis Bone in the war. The Bugis became noted both as effective warriors and enterprising traders throughout the Archipelago.

Таблица символов

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Базовая латиница - Таблица символов

Основная информация о шрифте

О авторских правах
Copyright (c) 2008 by andi aw. masry. All rights reserved.
Шрифтовая семья
OgieCappo Campotype
Шрифтовая подсемья
Уникальная подсемейная идентификация
andiaw.masry: OgieCappo Campotype: 2008
Полное имя шрифта
Имя настольной версии
Version 1.000 2008 initial release
Имя поскрипт шрифта
О торговой марке
OgieCappo Campotype is a trademark of andi aw. masry.
О производителе
andi aw. masry
Copyright (c) 2008 by andi aw. masry. All rights reserved.

Дополнительная информация о шрифте

Поддерживаемые платформы

MicrosoftТолько BMP юникод
ЮникодЮникод 2.0 и прогрессивная семантика, только Юникод BMP

Детали шрифта

Количество глифов143
Единиц на Em1000
Права внедренияBнедрение для стационарной установки
Класс семействаСимвольные
НасыщенностьСредний (нормалный)
ШиринаСредний (нормальный)
Mac стильЖирные
НаправлениеГлифы направленные слева направо + нейтральные
ВысотаНе моноширинный